History of Clendenin Pentecostal Church, Clendenin, WV

History of Clendenin Pentecostal Church, Clendenin, WV 2022-12-26T13:26:13-05:00


Clendenin Pentecostal Church of Clendenin, WV is associated with the United Pentecostal Church International. The UPCI has been among the fastest growing denominations in North America. It is one of the largest Oneness Pentecostal church organizations in existence.

We thank God for Clendenin Pentecostal Church’s godly heritage. Rev. and Mrs. FL Walker moved to Clendenin, West Virginia in 1983 for the express purpose of establishing a new church as a home mission work.

Pastor and Sister Walker with family left their home in Spencer, WV, being led by GOD to establish a church. Soon after arrival, an old union hall building was purchased and Church services soon followed. The goal was to have an Apostolic, one-God, Jesus-name, tongue-talking, Holy Ghost-filled Church in Clendenin, WV.

Since the Walkers arrival in Clendenin, hundreds of lives have been changed by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Hundreds have been baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, hundred have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by the speaking in other tongues.

The message first delivered on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 has not changed at CPC and we look forward with great anticipation to a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost in Clendenin!

Miscellaneous Information

West Virginia’s own Rev. Billy Cole (a genuine apostle and prophet who was renowned among Apostolic Pentecostals all around the word). It just so happened that Brother Cole was the pastor of CPC’s current pastor and first lady, Bill and Chere’ Monk. Brother and Sister Joseph edited (2004-2007) & published (2007) the exciting and adventurous memoirs of Brother Billy Cole and Sister Shirley Cole. That book, The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole, is a great reference on the godly heritage of the WV District of the UPCI and of the UPC in general. It is available for purchase from www.amazon.com and www.billycolebook.com.